Monday, January 05, 2009

letter to a father of a daughter

as for having a daughter... may allah bless every man with a daughter my friend, you are among the lucky of male mortals...
kiss her much, cuddle her frequently; make sure she knows she is loved...
don't sweat sleepless nights and long drawn out crying sessions, those will be the true moments of human existence, you will be tackling everything bu the credit crunch, thank god for that! besides we need less and less sleep as we get older... so consider it as a training session for those long nights when you're 70 and are having attacks of nostalgia...
imagine talking to her about condoms when she brings in her first horribly pubescent young man into the house, gets drunk or high for the first time; when she gets the first existential anxieties and consider yourself lucky for having the experience necessary to console her...
take her out often to meet the butcher, the grocer, the local video store et al. make sure she sees as many people from different walks of life as possible.
readreadread to her, they become zombiefied through tv as they grow, no matter how educational the program on tv may be...
loveherloveherloveher... if you really, truly love her, the rest will come as easy as pie. and since once you have her in your life, the opposite won't be possible, so you are set my friend, don't worry about a thing!

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